Shipping forecast painting wins award!
To my complete surprise, my shipping forecast painting, Attention All Shipping won the British Cartographic Society's John C Bartholomew Award for Thematic Mapping in 2016.

The award was for “originality and excellence, with emphasis on effective communication of the intended theme”.
I entered the competition with the encouragement of Mary Spence of the Society. (See left.)
Mary likes my work so much that she even made a lovely presentation about me as part of the Society’s Annual Conference in Cheltenham!

The judges said:
“Excellent communication of a clear, and much-loved theme through a clever blend of cartography and art. A new, interesting and engaging portrayal, with a clear eye on its romance. Images, text and thoughtful use of terms from the shipping forecast combine to make a highly attractive, and fun product.”
See my Shipping Forecast collection.
See the article published in the Oxford Times, 22 September 2016.
(Photos by Martin Lubikowski of the British Cartographic Society.)